AI-CUBE joined the A&T fair

12 Apr 2022
CiaoTech (PNO Group) attended the A&T – Automation and Testing fair, the trade show dedicated to innovation, technologies, reliability and industry 4.0, which was held in Turin (Italy) from 6th to 8th April, 2022.
The event brought together manufacturing companies and research centres, entrepreneurs, managers, technicians and researchers with the aim of understand how to truly and sustainably integrate 4.0 technologies into design and production processes.
In this scenario, the project coordinator had the chance to present AI-CUBE to the most innovative companies and to get from them some insights on implementation cases related to artificial intelligence and big data field from service providers.
You can still help us with your insights! If you have an artificial intelligence or big data solution implemented in your organization, we want to know all about it!
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