The AI-CUBE project just started!

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22 Nov 2020

AI-CUBE (Artificial Intelligence and Big Data CSA for Process Industry Users, Business Development and Exploitation) is a project funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme. AI-CUBE aims to enhance the understanding of different digital technologies related to artificial intelligence (AI) and big data (BD) applied in process industries for all the SPIRE industrial sectors: cement, ceramics, chemicals, engineering, minerals and ores, non-ferrous metals, steel, water. The project started on September 1st, 2020 and the consortium, made of 5 partners from 3 European countries, met for the first time during the Kick-of-meeting, virtually held on September 9th, 2020. All project outputs were discussed, and the first actions were planned. Each partner presented the work plan of the next 2 years and the main activities were displayed.